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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.
Commencement of activity is assumed to be the start of regular economic activities of a natural or legal person in Estonia or when the VAT number is received. Meaning that VAT registration is...
The Parliament of Estonia (Riigikogu) on July 12, 2014 concluded its work on the amendments to the Criminal Law, providing...
The government has made certain changes to some of the tax rates for Estonia in 2017. At the same time, some of the rates however remain the same, or are subject to only minor changes. This article summarizes the most...
The Estonian Government approved in the end of September 2016 proposal on signing the Convention between the Government of the Republic ofEstonia and the Government of the Kyrgyz...
Corporate income tax in Estonia is paid by domestic companies – residents, permanent establishments of non-residents that perform economic activity in the country (including branches) and non-residents acting as...
On the 11th of September the Supreme Court of Estonia dismissed cassation submitted by Sirowa Tallinn (Sirowa) in relation with Tax...
On 21st of May the Government of Estonia approved several bills for changing the tax laws. Please see below short overview of the relevant changes. National social insurance tax With the proposed...
Taxpayers Corporate income tax is paid by: domestic companies – residents; permanent establishments of non-residents that perform economic activity (including...
Structure Personal income tax is imposed on income acquired by a natural person, and it includes: income from employment; business income (self-employed income); gains from transfer of...
The ruling regarding minimum rate of interest on fringe benefits from the Minister of Finance was nullified and staring from2015 issuing loans on market terms to the employees or persons equal...
According to the amendments made to the Income Tax Act, which became in force from the 1st of January 2015, all companies and permanent establishments located in Estonia...
Option plans are good ways to reward employees for successful year or to bind them for the company. In Estonia option plans are taxed as fringe benefits. Fringe benefits are benefits received from the employer for...
From January 1. 2015 EU will change the application of VAT rules in intra-community trades. The new rule will change current situation where...
In September Estonian Foreign Minister Mr Urmas Paet signed convention between the Republic of Estonia and the Kingdom of Morocco for the avoidance of double...
Ministry of Justice in Estonia have proposed that starting from 2016 failure to submit annual reports on time would lead to fines. Also,...
The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court have asked from European Court of Justice (C-264/14 Skatteverket v. David Hedqvist) preliminary ruling on whether when...
Estonian legislation defines Social (Security) Tax as financial obligation imposed on taxpayers in order to secure revenue for pension insurance and state health insurance. Social tax shall be paid on following: Wages and other remuneration...
Annual reports The length of a financial year is estimated to twelve months (one calendar year, unless provided otherwise). There are several cases where the financial year may be shorter or longer than the previously mentioned term,...
It is important to bear in mind that in Estonia in contrast to a number of European countries there is no systematic monthly corporate tax. Instead a resident company shall pay income tax on profits distributed as dividends...
Personal income tax is imposed on the income of a taxpayer from which deductions pursuant to Estonian tax legislations have been made. The income tax shall be paid by natural persons and by employers who are natural persons...
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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.